Would you like fries with that?

Apparently this is what the Bush Administration meant by “a service economy” and “no child left behind (at the drive-thru)”.

Burger Chain Offers “McDiplomas”
By JANE WARDELL, Associated Press Writer
(01-28) 14:24 PST LONDON, United Kingdom (AP) —

New on the McDonald’s menu: a takeaway diploma.

The government is giving the U.S. burger chain — along with a rail company and an airline — the right to award credits toward a high school diploma to employees who complete on-the-job training programs.

The plan, announced Monday, is part of a push to improve skills among young people and offer even workers who dropped out of school years ago a chance to gain official qualifications.

It’s the first time commercial companies have been allowed to award nationally recognized academic credits for their own workplace training plans. Experts and business leaders had a mixed reaction to the plan, already being dubbed “McQualifications.”

[Follow the link to read the whole article.]


Is it a ‘Rebate’, or is it a ‘Gift’ (Gift = National Welfare Check)

Bush Pushes Congress on Stimulus Deal
Under the agreement announced by the White House, Boehner and Pelosi, individual taxpayers would get up to $600 in rebates, working couples $1,200 and those with children an additional $300 per child. In a key concession to Democrats, 35 million families who make at least $3,000 but don’t pay taxes would get $300 rebates.

As I understand it, a ‘rebate’ is a return of a portion paid. So, will these 35 million families who don’t pay taxes, but get a $300 ‘rebate’, have to pay it back come April 15 2009?

If so, this is just a ‘borrow from Paul to pay Peter’ scheme that will really screw over a lot of people.

If not, isn’t this the exact same kind of ‘hand out’ that the Republicans are always accusing the Democrats would do if they were in charge?

It’s all a shell game, and we are all the suckers. Even those that think they won this round are going to lose in the end.



Bread and Circuses… While the World Burns

Taxpayers would get checks under economic stimulus plan – CNN.com
WASHINGTON (CNN) — U.S. taxpayers would get checks of several hundred dollars from the federal government under a plan to stimulate the economy, congressional and Bush administration officials said Thursday.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, right, and House Minority Leader John Boehner announce the package Thursday.

“Tens of millions Americans will have a check in the mail,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said at a Capitol Hill news conference. “It is there to strengthen the middle class, to create jobs and to turn this economy around.”

House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said, “I’m looking for quick action in the House. I hope that the Senate will follow quickly so that we can put this money in the hands of middle-income Americans as soon as possible.”

Speaking a few minutes later at the White House, President Bush said the package will “boost our economy and encourage job creation.”

Sources on Capitol Hill and at the Treasury Department said the plan would send checks of $600 to individuals and $1,200 to couples who paid income tax and who filed jointly.


The government is tossing some people, not everyone, a couple of biscuits and hoping it distracts them from the financial ruin that is nipping at the heals of a government that has recklessly led us to an illegal war and doesn’t have the fortitude to admit a mistake and end the stupidity.

An article in The Chronicle indicated this is a $150B stimulus package. Well, folks, over the last three years our ‘leaders’ have built up a $734B budget deficit, and consumer debt is at all time high of $12.8 Trillion. I sincerely doubt that a $600 check from Uncle Sam is going to make it all better. In case it hasn’t occurred to the public, where do you think Uncle Sam is getting the money in the first place? Why, from the people! Tax people to hell, then give them back a few bucks to make them feel better. Only the fools are fooled.

Don’t forget: The Democrats are backing this stupid plan as well.

Vote Ron Paul. He’s got more brains and more backbone than all the Democrats and Republicans combined! (No insult intended to Mike Gravel, he’s a strong person as well.)


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