The RX-8 Story Winds Down

I have agreed not to divulge details regarding my agreement with Mazda, but I believe it is safe to say that we have come to a reasonable agreement. As such, I sincerely hope I don’t have any reason to write about any new incidents with my 2007 Mazda RX-8 GT. 🙂

I believed it helped to bring the Better Business Bureau into the mix, and if you are having problems with a car I recommend that you do the same. Having a third party witness the events and communications tends to make everyone more aware of their actions.

In the end, I did not have to engage a lawyer; so I am probably going to replace it with another RX-8. I had sworn that if Mazda made me ‘fight’ to return my car I would never buy from them again. While I feel that I was given unnecessary run-around when I first contacted them about repurchasing my car, once my case was passed along to someone with the power to make a decision things were resolved quickly and painlessly.

If all goes well, this will be my last post about my 2007 RX-8.



Huckabee A.K.A. Nehemiah Scudder

The fact that this man is being taken seriously, whether he wins or not, is cause to fear for your future. Once again, Heinlein has called it frighteningly close to reality. He also said that civilization would be coming to an end when people started caring what actors and sports stars had to say about real word topics, which is something that comes to mind anytime someone mentions the MLB or Tom Cruise…

I kid you not, the time to flee to New Zealand is drawing near.

Think Progress » Huckabee: ‘amend the Constitution’ to ‘God’s standards.’

At a campaign stop yesterday, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee recommended — to a cheering audience — that the Constitution be “changed” to fit “God’s standards”:

I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution. But I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that’s what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other and how we treat the family.


Rawstory notes that in response, MSNBC’s “Mika Brzezinski was almost speechless, and even Joe Scarborough couldn’t immediately find much to say beyond calling it ‘interesting.’”


The Raw Story | McCain: I would have started Iraq war regardless of WMD

The Raw Story | McCain: I would have started Iraq war regardless of WMD
When Russert asked him if, like Bush, McCain would have supported the Iraq war even if no weapons of mass destruction were believed present in Iraq, McCain seemed to dismiss the question as irrelevant.

“If frogs had wings … we can talk about lots of hypotheticals,” he said. “The point is if we had done it right, you and I wouldn’t even be discussing it now.”

Dear Mr. McCain,

The question posed to you was not about winged frogs, which do exist, it was about your character. Are you the kind of man, who knowing your actions were predicated on a lie, would do the same thing anyways regardless of the consequences? It appears, from your answer, “The point is if we had done it right, you and I wouldn’t even be discussing it now”, that the only thing you are concerned about is having been caught.

We thank you for your answer. While you failed to perceive the purpose of the question, you have indeed given us a glimpse into the kind of man you are.



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