Not satisfied with the HEROES Finale?

Not satisfied with the HEROES Finale?
Posted by Frosty

My two favorite TV shows had their finales last week and while one completely blew my mind Lost, the other was a huge disappointment Heroes.

My biggest gripe with the finale of “Heroes” had to be the lack of a kick ass battle which had everyone involved. The show spent all season long talking about this big moment and when it finally happened, all they could come up with was a short, meaningless battle that resolved nothing. The finale should’ve been where all the characters came together and joined a common cause – defeating Sylar. Instead we had a lot of wasted time and some pretty bad dialogue. And I know that I wasn’t alone thinking “Heroes” let the fans down.

So if you felt like I did… I‘ve got something cool for you to read. I’ll call it the “Heroes” WHAT IF finale.

If you liked Heroes when it started, you should go and read the above article. The mental picture I get while reading the proposed “what if” ending is much better than the real thing.

-Chris Knight

The frog in the blender says: No balls. You got no balls.

Dems Set War Bill Without Iraq Timeline
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent
Monday, May 21, 2007

05-21 17:48 PDT WASHINGTON, AP —

In grudging concessions to President Bush, Democrats intend to draft an Iraq war-funding bill without a timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and shorn of at least some of the billions they want for domestic programs, officials said Monday.

Lest it ever be forgotten, the Democrats are not really any better for you than the Neocons, they just sometimes don’t smell as bad. Today is a good day to hold your nose in the presence of Nancy Pelosi and every other Democrat who talked tough in front of the cameras, but blew stink when push came to shove.

-Chris Knight

Charlie doesn’t have to die!!!

Desmond is wrong. Not because his vision was wrong, but rather because it was incomplete and therefore his interpretation was incorrect.

How could I know his vision was incomplete when we were not shown it? “Elementary, my dear Watson…” We have seen two of Desmond’s visions. One when he was thrown backwards into time, and one where he was thrown into the future. In both instances his journey was viewed from a first person perspective: his. At no time did he see things that were outside his own physical perceptions. He may be unstuck in time, but he is not omnipresent.

Desmond tells Charlie that he sees Claire and the baby get on a helicopter, so we know Desmond returns to the beach. He _knows_ that helicopter will never come unless Charlie goes to the Looking Glass Station. The plan was not for them both to go down, but for only one of them. While Desmond was willing to take Charlie’s place, he still never suggested they both go. So, if Charlie was meant to go alone, Desmond would not be able to see what happened after Charlie went into the water. Whether Desmond’s vision included Charlie wacking him with an oar or not, Desmond’s vision of Charlie ended around the point Charlie entered the water.

Whether Desmond’s vision included his ‘nap’, he certainly never saw Charlie return to the surface. It was not unreasonable for him to assume Charlie drowned, especially since Juliette has (incorrectly) informed them that The Looking Glass is flooded. Assuming Desmond returns to the island, and the castaways are able to contact the ship, it is reasonable for Desmond to assume (in vision and real-time) that Charlie flipped the switch. (More likely he will convince the underwater amazons to flip it.)

Now, one could hypothesize that Desmond knew the Looking Glass wasn’t flooded, and that somehow Charlie flooded the station at the same time he disabled the jamming signal. Could happen, but still Desmond couldn’t know about it unless he was there; which would contradict him being on the beach to see Claire escape in the helicopter.

Given the logic of the show, and their attention to detail and plot consistency, Desmond didn’t see Charlie die. Desmond guessed. Charlie doesn’t have to die purely because of Desmond’s incomplete first-person vision.

All hail Charlie the Hero, may he yet live!

-Chris Knight

ps. I have added a follow-up post explaining why Charlie should not, in fact could not, have drowned the way they show portrayed.

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