Doom 3


I’m not a point A to point B to point C kinda person. I like to do it all and experience it all and I don’t feel the need to try to impose any particular order to it. Chaos is my friend, family, and frequently my savior. Chaos also makes it a bitch to finish a video game…

When Doom 3 came out I played for hours. Then I got unhappy with the speed of my PC and bought a new video card, just to play this game. Then I realized that my new video card didn’t play any faster than my old one because of a CPU bottleneck, so I upgraded my PC. You’d think afer a thousand dollars in upgrades I would sit at the game non-stop… Then I got caught up in a short lived relationship, and then a new job, and then a move to California; and Doom 3 got left to the wayside. Ultimately ironic is that I now run the servers for a large gamers site and I couldn’t find the time to finish Doom 3. As a perk of being the BOFH of 1UP I scored an unopened copy of Doom 3: Ressurection of Evil off one of the editors, and I still hadn’t finished the first part of the game.

Tonight is the night though. I finished Doom 3. Yippee.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled banality.


ps. Please DO NOT reply to this posting on the LJ feed account (tampagypsy_feed). Follow the links back to my webite and reply there if you feel the need. There is no way to easily integrate comments from the LJ site back into my own weblog, so the effort of posting to the LJ site is wasted as I will never read it…

Two wheels of my own…

The past six months have been odd. I don’t think I’ve ever gone so long without my own transportation since I was 14. At 14 my transportation was a bicycle, but my ‘home turf’ was a bit smaller back then. Since college I’ve always had my own car or motorcycle, and I have been taking the freedom that represented for granted. Back in December I suddenly found myself relocated back to San Francisco, while my car and motorcycle were left behind in Tampa. (The car was eventually donated to the Apache Software Foundation. It was just plain time to cut that chord.) From that point until now I’ve been pretty much dependant on the kindness of friends and Family. I haven’t been staying close enough to a point of mass transit that I could be completely dependant on such, so even getting to BART has required wheels. Being dependant on friends isn’t bad, especially considering how great my friends are; but I am ever cautious for fear that I might become a burden.
Tomorrow, though, things change a bit. My motorcycle is sitting in a cargo container at the local ABF shipping yard, and it is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. (Along with almost everything else I own, but somehow little of that matters as much this evening as the thought of my Shadow.) I don’t think I’ve had my personal motorcycle so closely intertwined with my definition of Freedom since my cross country wanderings in 1991.
It is good to be home. Tomorrow it will be good to be home, and good to be free to wander again.

I’ll never call it a blog again…

Tuesday night was a treat. Robin and I had a meeting in the city, and we decided to go to the weekly trivia contest at Edinburough Castle. Robin’s friend Andrew had a friend in town, and it was a great excuse to hit the Castle after a long hiatus. Turns out that Andrew’s friend was none other than Jorn Barger, the writer and coiner of the term ‘weblog’. We lost our arses at trivia, even though Jorn had us beat hands down in regards to world and current knowledge. Jorn and Andrew are nice guys, and it was a very pleasant evening.

I use Amazon affiliate links in some of my posts. I think it is fair to say my writing is not influenced by the $0.40 I earned in 2022.