Idiocracy in school

When schools ‘dumb-down’ their curriculum, our future as a species suffers.

English too hard for students, principal says |
By Justine Ferrari
June 10, 2008 06:00am
Article from: The Australian

THE head of one of the nation’s elite private schools has questioned whether English should be compulsory for the senior years, saying the courses being taught are beyond the intellectual ability of most students.

The headmaster of Sydney Church of England Grammar School (Shore) in North Sydney, Tim Wright, told a symposium on a national curriculum in English at the weekend that parents felt alienated from the English syllabus and were deeply cynical about it.

In his speech, Dr Wright said the NSW English course for Years 11 and 12 was a major challenge for many students.

“The intellectual challenge is, in fact, beyond many students,” he said.

“It is seen as arbitrary and from time to time the anguished cry comes: ‘Why can’t we just read the book?’

“I question whether it (English) ought to be compulsory … at senior level. It is not enough to simply say that like cod liver oil, English is good for you.”

The symposium, hosted by the University of Sydney’s Arts English and Literacy Education Research Network in the education faculty, was opened by NSW Education Minister John Della Bosca and also heard from the NSW representative on the National Curriculum Board, Tom Alegounarias.

Mr Alegounarias said the content of any national curriculum had to capture what the community — not teachers — thought was essential for students to learn.

“The test for inclusion of content will not be what the teaching profession wants, or teacher educators or bureaucrats for that matter,” he said.

“Its contents should be measured against its purposes, which are to meet the community’s interests. It is an expression of the community’s intent and expectations.”

Mr Alegounarias dismissed the idea of a curriculum as a technical document or specialised product for teachers alone.


Who gave this person a driver’s license?

Idiocracy, here we come…

Woman Calls Orem Police To Free Her From Her Locked Car
Last Update: 6/02 1:12 pm

Automatic car features are supposed to make life easier for motorists, but they may be leaving some people without the know-how to do things the old-fashioned way. That’s what happened to a driver in Utah County who became trapped inside her own car.

A woman called Orem police Friday afternoon needing help because her battery died and she was locked inside her car.

When police arrived, they found the woman sitting in the car, unable to get herself out. She couldn’t hear the officers instructions through the rolled-up windows so she motioned to them to call her on her cell phone, according to police.

Once officers were able to talk to the woman on the phone, they were able to tell her how to manually operate the slide lock mechanism on the inside door panel to open the door and free herself.

“I’m just glad she had a cell phone to call for help,” an officer said.


Pelosi vows to prevent fight at Dem convention – Uh, huh…

Pelosi vows to prevent fight at Dem convention
Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer
Thursday, May 29, 2008

(05-28) 20:17 PDT San Francisco — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she will step in if necessary to make sure the presidential nomination fight between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama does not reach the Democratic National Convention – though she believes it could be resolved as early as next week.

Isn’t this the same Pelosi who promsied to end the war in Iraq by cutting funding? If she keeps this new promise as well as her previous ones, I expect the DNC will be a cage fight and the ‘winner’ will be the last one with a heart beat.


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