Misspoke: doublespeak for ‘lying her ass off’

If lying can get a (Democratic) president into impeachment hearings, can’t it get another one out of the race for president?

Clinton Misspoke on Bosnia Trip
By ANN SANNER, Associated Press Writer
Monday, March 24, 2008
03-24 15:07 PDT WASHINGTON, AP —

Hillary Rodham Clintons campaign said she “misspoke” last week when she said she had landed under sniper fire during a trip she took as first lady to Bosnia in March 1996. The Obama campaign suggested it was a deliberate exaggeration on Clintons part.

Clinton often cites the goodwill trip she took with her daughter and several celebrities as a part of her foreign policy experience.

During a speech last Monday about Iraq, she said of the trip: “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

According to an AP story at the time, Clinton was placed under no extraordinary risks on that trip. And one of her companions on it, comedian Sinbad, told The Washington Post he has no recollection either of the threat or reality of gunfire.


McCain lost his bid to be President when the Supreme Court rejected the Guantanamo habeas corpus case

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Hold prisoners on a US military base and refuse them legal protections because it is not US Soil, lost the ability to be President because you were not born on US Soil. To do otherwise is to publicly admit being a hypocrite. Oh, wait… that really doesn’t matter when you are running for President.

Still, McCain can not have his cake and eat it too. He can’t support the legal isolation of prisoners at Guantanamo, and yet assert he is a ‘native born’ US Citizen.

In fact, if this goes to court, the US Supreme court has already set a precedent that does not favor McCain:

BBC NEWS | Americas | Top court rejects Guantanamo test
Top court rejects Guantanamo test
A detainee is led by guards at Guantanamo Bay
Some of Guantanamos inmates have been held for five years
The US Supreme Court has said it will not decide whether detainees held at Guantanamo have the right to challenge their detention in US federal courts.

The decision means the court will not rule on the constitutionality of an anti-terror law pushed through Congress by President George W Bush last year.

The provision in question states that Guantanamo Bay inmates cannot challenge their detention in US civil courts.

Many of the 385 detainees at the camp have been held for five years or more.

None has yet been able to challenge their detention in a US civil court.

The provision stripping detainees of their right to mount a legal challenge to their confinement was upheld by a federal appeals court in Washington in February.

The courts majority opinion was that “the will of Congress” should prevail and that habeas corpus did not apply to foreign nationals being held at Guantanamo Bay because it is not US soil.


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