Religion != Science

Galileo and Copernicus struggled for naught. For all our scientific progress, for all the world that we do understand, we have proven ourselves again and again to be little more than ignorant savages looking up at the stars and calling the random patterns of stars ‘Gods’.

Science and Religion should have the same separation as ‘Church and State’. They are different realms, with little that one can offer the other. Religion is about faith, belief and interpretation; it does not require, or suffer, reason. Science is about observation, repeatable tests, logical analysis, and it does not suffer guesses. There is little room for overlap, and really that is the way it should be.

Needless to say, Religions benefit from the separation of Church and State. Imagine if churches had to prove there is a Heaven in order to meet the Truth in Advertising laws? Likewise, they benefit from not having to pay takes on the ‘donations’ they request (tithe) from their parishioners. (Isn’t tithe another word for tax?)

On the flip side of that separation, the state should not have to teach superstitious (like ghosts and luck, you can’t ‘prove’ religion) dogma as ‘science’. The state should be restricted to teaching things that can be proven.

Is that too much to ask?

The Gradebook | – St. Petersburg Times and tbt
And the decision is …

Evolution officially is a “scientific theory” in Floridas curriculum.

The State Board of Education narrowly adopted new science standards with the added language, with some members saying the decision will leave the idea open to questions by students, while others contended the wording is a clear attempt by creationists to water down science instruction.

The vote was 4-3, with Chairman T. Willard Fair and members Linda Taylor, Phoebe Raulerson and Kathleen Shanahan in support.


Republican Welfare – Hell is Frozen

Senate Adds Aged, Vets to Stimulus Bill
People who paid no income taxes but earned at least $3,000 — including through Social Security or veterans’ disability benefits — would get a $300 rebate.

If you didn’t pay taxes, it’s not a rebate; it’s welfare.

Republican Welfare.

George W. Bush, my hat is off to you. Nobody else in the history of the US, not even Nixon, has done as much as you to destroy the Republican party as you. Too bad your efforts are doing the same to the once great United States of America.


Would you like fries with that?

Apparently this is what the Bush Administration meant by “a service economy” and “no child left behind (at the drive-thru)”.

Burger Chain Offers “McDiplomas”
By JANE WARDELL, Associated Press Writer
(01-28) 14:24 PST LONDON, United Kingdom (AP) —

New on the McDonald’s menu: a takeaway diploma.

The government is giving the U.S. burger chain — along with a rail company and an airline — the right to award credits toward a high school diploma to employees who complete on-the-job training programs.

The plan, announced Monday, is part of a push to improve skills among young people and offer even workers who dropped out of school years ago a chance to gain official qualifications.

It’s the first time commercial companies have been allowed to award nationally recognized academic credits for their own workplace training plans. Experts and business leaders had a mixed reaction to the plan, already being dubbed “McQualifications.”

[Follow the link to read the whole article.]


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