George W, Bush ‘Sees The Light’ and Converts to Socialism – Communist Police State not ‘Off The Table”

In order to prevent the financial collapse of the United States, George W Bush is now advocating that the United States has no option other than to ‘socialize’ major financial institutions in order to repair the damage caused by ‘free market capitalism’. Hell has frozen over, and GWB wants you to buy him and his buddies ice skates… very very very expensive ice skates.

Oh, and another thing… You have to do this now. Don’t take time to mull your options or the world will end. Trust George W Bush, he knows how to end the world if anyone does.

Bush warns entire economy is in danger
By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
09-24 19:42 PDT WASHINGTON, AP —

President Bush said Wednesday that lawmakers risk a cascade of wiped-out retirement savings, rising home foreclosures, lost jobs and closed businesses if they fail to act on a massive financial rescue plan. Our entire economy is in danger, he said.

Without immediate action by Congress, American could slip into a financial panic and a distressing scenario would unfold, Bush said in a 12-minute prime-time address delivered from the White House East Room that he hoped would help rescue his tough-sell bailout package. Ultimately, our country could experience a long and painful recession.

Said Bush: We must not let this happen.

The unprecedented $700 billion bailout, which the Bush administration asked Congress last weekend to approve before it adjourns, is meeting with deep skepticism, especially from conservatives in Bush s own Republican Party who are revolting at the high price tag and massive private-sector intervention by government. Though there is general agreement that something must be done to address the spiraling economic problems, Bush has been forced to accept changes almost daily, based on demands from the right and left.


And Justice for All…

Bob Barr Files Suit in Texas to Remove McCain, Obama from Ballot
September 17, 2008 9:31 am EST

Atlanta, GA – Bob Barr, the Libertarian Party's nominee for president, has filed a lawsuit in Texas demanding Senators John McCain and Barack Obama be removed from the ballot after they missed the official filing deadline.

"The seriousness of this issue is self-evident," the lawsuit states. "The hubris of the major parties has risen to such a level that they do not believe that the election laws of the State of Texas apply to them."

Texas election code §192.031 requires that the “written certification” of the “party’s nominees” be delivered “before 5 p.m. of the 70th day before election day.” Because neither candidate had been nominated by the official filing deadline, the Barr campaign argues it was impossible for the candidates to file under state law.

"Supreme Court justices should recognize that their responsibility is to apply the law as passed by the Legislature, and the law is clear that the candidates cannot be certified on the ballot if their filings are late," says Drew Shirley, a local attorney for the Barr campaign, who is also a Libertarian candidate for the Texas Supreme Court.

A 2006 Texas Supreme Court decision ruled that state laws "does not allow political parties or candidates to ignore statutory deadlines."

Orrin Grover, attorney for Bob Barr and Wayne Root, said that he believes that the Texas Secretary of State is bound by Texas law to remove the Republican and Democratic nominees from the November ballot. "Either we have rules and deadlines, or we do not," Grover said.

The Chairman of the Texas Libertarian Party, Pat Dixon stated, "Libertarian principles require personal responsibility for your acts and failures. Obama and McCain failed to meet the deadlines. They must follow the law like everyone else."

The petition also alleges that the Democratic Party's late presidential filing falsely claimed under oath that Senator Obama had been nominated hours before the nomination actually occurred.

"The facts of the case are not in dispute," says Russell Verney, manager of the Barr campaign. "Republicans and Democrats missed the deadline, but were still allowed on the ballot. Third parties are not allowed on the ballot for missing deadlines, as was the case for our campaign in West Virginia, yet the Texas secretary of state's office believes Republicans and Democrats to be above the law."

Barr will be holding a press conference this Thursday at the Texas Supreme Court at 11:00 a.m.

Libertarian Party presidential candidate Bob Barr represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003.

Lawsuit Contacts:
Pat Dixon
Texas Libertarian Party

Drew Shirley, Esq.
Drew Shirley, P.C.
Austin, TX

Orrin Grover, Esquire
Orrin L. Grover, P.C.
Woodburn, OR

Bob Barr Files Suit in Texas to Remove McCain, Obama from Ballot — Bob Barr 2008.

LOST: It’s ‘Official’, Jin is Dead

It’s ‘official’, Jin is dead. Every single actor on the LOST cast who has been hit with a DUI has been written off the show within a few episodes. So, now we know: Jin died in the explosion.

‘Lost’ star pleads no contest to DUI charges

"Lost" star Daniel Dae Kim pleaded no contest to drunken driving charges and was ordered to pay a $500 fine. Whether his character on the popular castaway drama absorbs more punishment remains to be seen.


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